Stand and Deliver: VSU President Eddie N. Moore Set to Retire

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It isn't all bad at HBCUs as many will tell you. Virginia State University president Ernie N. Moore Moore, a certified public accountant with a master's degree in business administration, is set to retire. A man pummeled for his lack of a doctorate when first appointed, stood and delivered by putting the once-troubled university's finances in order. Under his leadership, VSU grew by nearly every measure — from 3,996 students when he arrived to 5,366 this year; from a $2.5 million endowment to one totaling $23.6 million; from no doctoral degree programs to two. In addition to improving the academic program and offerings, President Moore renovated the school's athletic facilities. He effectively silenced his critics by relying on his military training and economics background to resuscitate what some called a "dying program." Tomorrow the university will announce the biggest gift in its history. Not bad for someone with a master's degree and a whole lot of common sense.