Stacey Dash Says Transgender People Should Pee in Bushes

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In this week’s episode of  Stacey Dash Says the Darnedest Things, the Clueless actress, who’s currently promoting her upcoming memoir, explained where exactly she thinks transgender people should use the bathroom.

Apparently she takes issue with Caitlyn Jenner, and others, who oppose laws that state transgender people should use the bathroom that aligns with their birth sex.

“It’s tyranny by the minority. Why do I have to suffer because you can’t decide what you wanna be that day?” Dash said in an interview with Entertainment Tonight. “It’s your body! So it’s your decision, right? We all make choices.


“OK, then go in the bushes,” Dash added. “I don’t know what to tell you, but I’m not gonna put my child’s life at risk because you want to change a law. So that you can be comfortable with your beliefs—which means I have to change my beliefs and my rights? No.”


I wonder if Dash would have an issue with these two men in the photo below, who also share her views.


But then again, they were both just arrested for keeping a 13-year-old girl chained in their basement.