How many times have you heard, "Well, there isn't a White History Month; why is there a Black History Month?" And since the uproar over the lack of diversity in the Oscar nominations, people have asked whether special exceptions should be made to include black actors. Should a black film or actor be nominated "just because"?
Then there's Stacey Dash, Fox News correspondent extraordinaire.
On Wednesday, Dash responded to Jada Pinkett Smith's questioning of the Oscars and whether black people should boycott. According to Dash, people like Pinkett Smith are "ludicrous."
"I think it's ludicrous. We have to make up our minds; either we want to have segregation or integration. If we don't want segregation, then we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards, and the [NAACP] Image Awards, where you're only awarded if you're black. If it were the other way around, we would be up in arms. It's a double standard. […] Just like there shouldn't be a Black History Month. We're American; that's it."
Maybe Dash needs to look at just how segregated these award shows aren't. White people are always nominated during the BET Awards. Eminem actually won an award. And the same goes for the Image Awards. The View isn't necessarily a "black," show and that show won an award in 2013.
Then there's the subject of Black History Month. Many white conservatives have expressed similar sentiments, and given that Dash is a fan of that type, it isn't surprising that she finds Black History Month absurd.
In agreement with Dash, of course, is Donald Trump. Shortly after Dash's comments, Trump threw in his support for her.
"I saw somebody on your show today say, 'What do we do with BET, Black Entertainment, right?' " Trump said, according to Business Insider. "The whites don't get any nominations. I thought it was an amazing interview, actually. I've never even thought of it from that standpoint."
"The whites." I don't think there's anything else that needs to be said. This is potentially the future president of the United States.