Spike Lee Thinks College Students Will Start Using Sex Strikes as a Way to Protest

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Spike Lee thinks that his new film, Chi-raq, is infectious and that it’ll inspire college students to withhold sex from their partners as a way to denounce sexual assault incidents on college campuses nationwide. 

He described all of this during an interview with Stephen Colbert on The Late Show

“I think that a sex strike could really work on college campuses where there’s an abundance of sexual harassments and date rapes,” Lee argued.


Chi-raq, which has a limited release Dec. 4, is based on the Greek play Lysistrata, which tells the story of Greek women who went on a sex strike to stop their husbands from fighting in a war.   


Lee said that the football strike that University of Missouri football players pulled off successfully is testament to the power of college students and an activist spirit that has captured college students across the nation. 


“You know what happened at the University of Missouri, where the football players got together and said, ‘Unless the president of Missouri resigns, we’re not going to play’?” Lee asked Colbert.

“I think [something similar will] work. Second semester, it’s gonna happen. Once people come back from Christmas and some stuff jumps off, there’s gonna be sex strikes on universities and colleges across this country. I believe it,” he said. 


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Diana Ozemebhoya Eromosele is a staff writer at The Root and the founder and executive producer of Lectures to Beats, a Web series that features video interviews with scarily insightful people. Follow Lectures to Beats on Facebook and Twitter.


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