Spike Lee Should Know Better

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In a piece for BlackAmericaWeb, Michael H. Cottman chastises the film director for retweeting an incorrect address for George Zimmerman to his followers.

Spike Lee should know better.

The outspoken film director was sloppy with facts and showed that he is also vulnerable to irresponsible actions through social media when he retweeted what he thought was the home address of George Zimmerman — the neighborhood watch captain who killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

Turns out the address actually belongs to an elderly Florida couple who's not related Zimmerman. In fact, the couple moved to a hotel because they’re terrified of staying in their own home due to the hate mail and threats received after Lee tweeted his 240,000 followers.


 The original message tweeted by Marcus Higgins of California was re-tweeted by Lee with a Florida address and said: “feel free to reach out and touch [Zimmerman],” according to a Smoking Gun report.


But the address is wrong — and Lee was wrong for retweeting it.

The unsuspecting couple, David McClain, 72, and his wife Elaine, 70, work for the Seminole County school system and have lived in their home for 10 years. They said they don’t know Zimmerman and just want to be left alone.


In an interview with reporters, Elaine McClain, who has a heart condition, said that she and her husband were “afraid” to remain in their house.

Read Cottman's entire piece at BlackAmericaWeb.

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