Spike Lee’s Upcoming Short Film Will Focus on Mizzou Campus Protests

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Spike Lee’s newest short film will focus on the University of Missouri campus protests that happened last year. Lee’s 2 Fists Up will be released digitally May 31 by ESPN as part of its Spike Lee’s Lil’ Joints series. According to ESPN, the film will take a look at how the Black Lives Matter Movement and activism at Mizzou go hand in hand.

Lee paid a visit to the University of Missouri campus over the weekend to attend a screening of the student-made documentary Concerned Student 1950 at the True/False Film Festival. During his visit, Lee also interviewed students and he also filmed the students during various protests they held on campus.

Last fall, University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe resigned because of his handling of racial tensions on campus. Shortly after his resignation, black students began receiving threats of violence, not only on campus but also through various forms of social media.


It'll be interesting to see Lee’s take on the campus’ climate and how—or whether—it’s changed over the year.

2 Fists Up airs May 31.