Spike Lee Rips Hollywood on Lack of Diversity During Honorary-Oscar Acceptance Speech

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Spike Lee may be catching flak over his new film, Chi-raq, but on Saturday, the filmmaker had a few words for Hollywood and its lack of diversity.

While accepting his honorary Oscar at the Governors Awards, Lee pointed out the hypocrisy of those in attendance: the heavy hitters in Hollywood who are liberal, until it comes to diversity.

"This industry is so behind sports, it's ridiculous," Lee said. "It's easier to be the president of the United States as a black person than to be the head of a studio. Honest. Or the head of a network.


"I’m getting real here," Lee told the attendees. "Everybody here probably voted for [President Barack] Obama. But when I go to offices, I see no black folks, except for the brother man who is the security guard who checks my name as I go into the studio."


Lee never bites his tongue, and the truth isn't hard to see when it comes to Hollywood. Most of the time when Hollywood speaks of diversity, it speaks in terms of the ratio of women to men. People of color are typically left out of the equation.


Whether or not you're a fan of Lee's work, there's one thing you can always depend on him to do, and that's to point out the inequality black people are dealing with in Hollywood.