Sure, ass shots, Brazilian butt lifts, or booty implants are all the rage, but it kinda does make sense that putting a foreign object in one’s body might wreak havoc on its systems … I’m not judging here but it’s imperative that we do our homework before we undergo the knife.
Accordingly, a new study found that a specific type of butt implant has been linked to a rare but deadly cancer that had previously been only linked to breast implants.
As reported this month in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, the first documented case of gluteal implant-associated ALCL (anaplastic large-cell lymphoma) was documented in a woman who died after getting a behind job.
The case involved a middle-aged woman who received textured silicone gluteal implants about a year before her cancer-related death.
The New York Daily News reports that 457 women in the U.S. have been diagnosed with breast implant-associated ALCL, including nine who died, but prior to this case, no one was diagnosed with ALCL for butt implants.
Note that ALCL is only related to textured silicone implants and not saline or fat-transferred implants, silicone shots, and certainly not black market plastic surgery, which runs its own risk of deformity, complications and death.