Sounds About White: Admitted Sexual Offender Avoids Jail and Keeps Teaching Certificate

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Let’s play a game of “Guess the Color,” shall we?

A 30-year-old Bronx high school teacher admitted to performing oral sex on her 14-year-old student. As part of a plea agreement, Dori Myers pleaded guilty to committing a criminal sex act. The New York Daily News reports that on Wednesday, Judge Michael Obus found Myers to be a Level 1 sex offender. Prosecutors had asked that Myers be sentenced a minimum of two years in prison, but Obus sentenced her to 10 years probation. Additionally, she gets to keep her teaching certificate as part of the plea deal.

The question is, what color is Myers?

Just kidding. That doesn’t even really matter does it? Or...does it?

That Myers was given such a light sentence for her wholly inappropriate behavior is disgusting. That she would be allowed to retain her teaching certification is especially egregious. She should not be allowed to go near children ever again. She clearly has problems assessing what is and is not appropriate, and that is clear in her previous actions.


In this case, the incident between Myers and her student took place in November 2016 at her former place of employment, New School for Leadership and the Arts in Kingsbridge, where Myers was a social studies teacher.


She reportedly had multiple encounters with the student, and was only found out when another teacher heard about it from a friend of her victim.



But here is your reminder that white people get away with everything—even the most disgusting, despicable crimes.