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It was all there today — the introspection, the cluelessness, the smirkiness, the defiance, the sense of humor, the surprising humility. When George Bush said goodbye for the last time to the White House press corps this morning, he refelcted on everything from the 'Mission Accomplished' to Katrina to the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. It was an unsusally emotional performance by the president who seemed ready to take his bows. "This is the ultimate exit interview,'' he said. Bush admitted that he felt lucky to be witness to the dawning of the Obama Presidency. "I consider myself fortunate to have a front-row seat for what is going to be a historic moment,'' said Bush, who will hand off the presidency to Obama on Jan. 20. "President-elect Obama's election does speak volumes about how far this country has come." True that, but the big question is how farther we will have to go to get out of the hole he's left us in? Read the entire transcript.