Snoop wants to make a hip-hop American Idol: Snoop wants to create his own American Idol-type competition … remixed. His would be specifically designed to find the next hip-hop star, according to British newspaper the Guardian. The rapper said that the competition would be "straight directed to the hood … at people with no money, just talent. I'm looking for a deal from a network to find the nation's hottest hood artists."
Who is Arnold's mistress? Several news sources reported Wednesday that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mistress, and the mother of his fifth child, is Mildred Patricia Baen, a longtime housekeeper of the family. The child is reportedly a boy only days younger than Christopher, the youngest of Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver's four children.
Video: Chrisette Michele talks about love affair with cars: In a spot for, Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter Chrisette Michele talks her dream car (and her first car) and how she transformed a Thunderbird into a Mercedes-Benz. Plus, a little stroke prevention (she's a spokesperson for the American Heart Association).
Watch Beyoncé's new video for "Run the World (Girls)": According to Slate, the political "message" of the video seems to be something like "fierce outfits and killer dance moves = power." The song is the lead single off Beyoncé's forthcoming album, 4. "I just heard the track and loved that it was so different. It felt a bit African, a bit electronic and futuristic. It reminded me of what I love, which is mixing different cultures and eras — things that typically don't go together — to create a new sound," Beyoncé told Billboard.
In other news: Casino and Cable Entrepreneur Don Barden Dies.
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