Single Ladies, Put Your Ballots Up

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Clutch magazine's Stacia L. Brown notes that neither Mitt Romney nor Barack Obama has tailored ads to this group but says single women have significant legislative concerns.

Since this is an election year, it's time for our presidential candidates to come a-courtin'. Our incumbent and hopefuls are hard-selling their platform to key voting contingents–perhaps with more determination than ever, considering the difference such wooing made in ballot turn-out last time. Young people and minorities are on everyone's radar, but there's another demographic in need of some political TLC: single women. According to The New York Times, single women are less likely to turn out in large numbers on election day, but they're also a rapidly growing group with a lot at legislative concerns …

As recently as 2010, single women remained an under-targeted audience. Their turn-out dropped so low that year that Republicans won the women's vote for the first time in 30 years. It would seem that messaging aimed specifically at single women would be a no-brainer, but neither the Obama nor Romney campaigns are tailoring any of their ads to the group. With the various overt attacks on women's reproductive rights over the past few years, now might be the time for the Obama campaign to seize the moment and inform women that it intends to throw its support behind issues related to reproductive choice.

Read Stacia L. Brown's entire piece at Clutch magazine.

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