The current president of Florida just can’t stop the grift.
According to the Washington Post, the current president of white supremacy charged the Secret Service (read American taxpayers) some $40,000 for a single room at his Mar-a-Lago Club.
Records viewed by the Post show that Trump’s club charged the Secret Service $396.15 a night from Jan. 20, the day he left the White House and became a regular golf-cheating citizen.
From the Post:
Those charges, ultimately paid by taxpayers, continued until at least April 30, the spending records show, for a total of $40,011.15. The charges were for a single room used as a workspace by Secret Service agents, according to one person familiar with the payments.
The Secret Service released spending records up to April 30. Trump stayed at Mar-a-Lago more than a week beyond that before moving to his Bedminster, N.J., club for the summer. It was unclear whether he continued to charge the Secret Service into May.
Records documenting the charges were released by the Secret Service in response to a public-records request from The Washington Post. They are the first evidence that Trump has continued a controversial and lucrative practice — charging rent to his own protectors — into his post-presidency.
To those people who actually believe this freeloader is a billionaire and love to throw around that he didn’t take a salary, just know this: Trump properties made a killing off the U.S. government, charging some $2.5 million for rooms for the Secret Service.
The Post notes that the rate charged for the Secret Service room, $396.15 a night, is the same rate that Trump charged when he was in office.
Back when America was all doom and gloom and Trump was president, a visit to Mar-a-Lago would mean that agents would need four or five rooms a night, but now that the orange-tinted orangutan vomit is no longer in office, the president only needs one room. But, that room rate adds up considering that Trump has spent the majority of his nights there.
The Post adds that it is unusual for Trump to charge the Secret Service rent both as a sitting president and now as a former one. But, I’d argue that with the number of lawsuits Trump’s facing this might be his only way of earning some money to try and avoid prison.
“The closest parallel to Trump was the man who succeeded him: Joe Biden. While he was protected as vice president, Biden charged the Secret Service $2,200 per month to use a cottage on his property in Delaware,” the Post reports. “In total, Biden received $171,600 between 2011 and 2017.”
Historians who have still not accepted that Trump is a grifter were reportedly surprised to learn that the former president was charging the Secret Service “considering that ex-presidents are entitled to an array of other taxpayer-funded benefits, including paid staff and a $219,000-per-year pension.”
“It’s tacky,” Jeffrey A. Engel, the director of the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University, told the Post. “Just because you can make a buck doesn’t mean you should make a buck. And especially when you have a situation where you’re an ex-president. You’re not going to starve.”