Simone Biles Responds to Racist Comments About Music Video Appearance

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There's a saying on the internet, "Never read the comment section," and unfortunately, in the case of Simone Biles' appearance in a music video with a white singer, that saying was definitely a harsh reminder. Biles was the love interest in Jake Miller's newly released video, “Overnight,” and was attacked with racist remarks from trolls.

The YouTube video comments ranged from referring to Biles as a monkey to calling it disgusting that Miller kissed a black woman. What was supposed to be a cute and fun video ended up being hard for Biles to deal with once it was released.


The gymnast took to Twitter and sadly had this to say:


Biles doesn't seem to have a bad bone in her body, but, of course, the fact that she has four Olympic gold medals and has been named to Time's "30 Most Influential Teens" list doesn't matter to racists.