Should GOP Consider J.C. Watts for RNC?

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Roland S. Martin argues in a piece at CNN that J.C. Watts is just the voice the GOP needs to overhaul its image as party geared toward white Americans, saying he could help open those all-important lines of communication with minority voters.

(CNN) — A number of establishment Republicans are privately blasting former Rep. J.C. Watts and his comments about considering a run for the chairmanship of the Republican National Committee. They call him arrogant for even suggesting he could do the job, and some have said the talk is more about his ego than a vision for the party.

In fact, he has been likened to former RNC Chairman Michael Steele. Both are conservative, but clearly that comparison is based on their skin color and not anything else.

The Republican Party establishment should tread carefully here, because even if members choose not to vote for Watts — if he decides to even seek the job — it is his skin color and perspective that is central to the GOP having any sort of presidential future.

We might as well not play footsie: The Republican Party is a group largely composed of and targeting white Americans. Yes, there are minority Republicans. But considering how President Obama was able to destroy Mitt Romney at the ballot box last month with a racial coalition that rolled up massive support among blacks, Hispanics and Asians, the GOP has a problem.

The day has passed when the GOP can win the presidency by focusing on white Americans. Folks, this is simple math. With the nation moving toward becoming a majority-minority country, the Republican Party cannot afford to continue to ignore, alienate and, frankly, tick off minority voters.

Read Roland S. Martin's entire piece at CNN.

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