Shooting Spurs Criticism of Memphis Police

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Shooting spurs criticism of Memphis police: The Sept. 24 shooting of a 15-year-old is still under investigation, but the question of whether Officer Terrance Shaw used excessive force makes the case one more example for critics who say there is a yearslong culture of misconduct in the police department of Tennessee's largest city, the Huffington Post reports.

Rihanna defends Chris Brown reconciliation: "There's some obsession that's continued even throughout when we weren't friends or couldn't be friends at all. Hated each other. The world hasn't let go. They haven't seen any progress in our friendship, because they don't see anything, really, besides the song,” the pop star said in an interview with Vogue.

Fresh Prince's Carlton gets married: 1990s icon Alfonso Ribeiro is back in the headlines with news that he recently married his longtime girlfriend, Angela Unkrich.


Latest weapon against Iran: J.Lo: The Washington Post reports on how she fits into Azerbaijan's religiously tolerant and nonsectarian Muslim-majority society.