Shonda Rhimes doesn’t seem like the type of person who bites her tongue offline, because she certainly doesn’t do it online when communicating with people on social media. Over the weekend, a viewer tweeted Rhimes a complaint about the gay scenes being shown on Scandal and How to Get Away With Murder.
You would think this person was new to the diversity of Shondaland productions, or even new to the world we exist in that includes people of diverse ethnic backgrounds and sexualities. But needless to say, Rhimes had a lot to say about that tweet.
And the pièce de résistance was this tweet:
Rhimes then ended her response to the viewer’s complaint with what sums up everything that is right with every Shondaland production.
“I love all you Tweeples,” she wrote. “Even the ones who still need to grow. And remember that at some point, someone discriminated against you too.”
Rhimes added, “I don't know why this kind of hate is out there. Ugh. #onelove. At least in Shondaland.”
It’s safe to say that viewer got told. She’ll remember it forever.