They say a picture says a thousand words. But whoever "they" are have obviously never seen Serena Williams do a split on some makeshift uneven bars for an NY Mag profile; looking like and being every. damn. thing. at the exact same time. Because if "they" saw that, "they" would know some pictures only say one word. And that word is Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!
(Or perhaps "they" are actually right. Maybe this picture just says "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!" a thousand times.)
Either way, you can now add "the internet" and "a bunch of hearts" and "literally everyone's fitness goals" and "the will of bitch-ass motherfuckers who try to engage her but don't come correct" to the list of things Serena Williams breaks.
Also on that list? Tennis records. Glass ceilings. The mold. And the handkerchiefs used to wipe White tears.