Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has co-signed his father's comparison of President Obama and Fidel Castro, saying that the president was just as "dictatorial." Cruz pointed toward the president’s last few State of the Union addresses, in which Obama said, "If Congress doesn’t act, I will," to prove his point, the Raw Story reports.
"One of the most disturbing aspects of the Obama presidency is the willingness of this president to disregard the law, to ignore the law," Cruz said Wednesday in an interview with Fusion’s Jorge Ramos. "A president under a constitutional system doesn’t have the ability to pick and choose which laws to follow … And that’s the same pattern you see in dictatorial societies, where a leader says, 'Ignore the law, go with the power of the president instead of the written law.' That's not the way our Constitution is supposed to work."
Back in July, Cruz’s father, Rafael, was the one who compared Obama to the Cuban dictator. "I think the most ominous words I’ve ever heard was in the last two State of the Union addresses, when our president said: 'If Congress does not act, I will act unilaterally.' Not much different than that old, bearded friend that I left behind in Cuba—governing by decree, by executive order, just like a dictator, like Fidel Castro," Rafael Cruz said.
Read more at Raw Story.