Segway Company Owner Dies While Driving a Segway

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Fresh from our "Isn't it ironic?" file, Jimi Heselden, owner of the Segway company, died after accidentally driving a Segway off of a cliff. Heselden, 62, plunged into the River Wharfe while riding a rugged country version of the two-wheeled transporter on Sunday. Police said a witness reported seeing a man fall over a 30-foot drop into the river near Boston Spa, 140 miles north of the the city of London in the U.K. Heselden had acquired the company less than a year ago. We're not going to ask why he didn't see the cliff. Anytime someone dies, it's a loss, but … we think it was Shakespeare who said there is humor in every tragedy. This is one of those times.

Read more at MSNBC.