Seeing Starfire: DC Comics Finally Shows Off Anna Diop’s New Suit for Season 3 of Titans

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Actress Anna Diop attends DC UNIVERSE’s Titans World Premiere on October 3, 2018, in New York City.
Actress Anna Diop attends DC UNIVERSE’s Titans World Premiere on October 3, 2018, in New York City.
Photo: Dave Kotinsky for DC UNIVERSE (Getty Images)

DC has revealed the new look for Anna Diop’s Starfire character and it’s—dare I say it—dazzling.

In a tweet sent out earlier today, fans of the Titans series finally got the chance to see the character’s new and improved look.


Now why is this a big deal, you may ask? Well, you see, Starfire—or Kory, as she’s more aptly known—usually goes to fight crime in whatever she’s dressed in that day. But thanks to designer Laura Jean Shannon, she’s now suited and booted among the best of them. Her new digs will definitely come in handy in the upcoming season; per Entertainment Weekly, in the previous season of Titans, “Kory’s sister Blackfire (Damaris Lewis), who rules over their home planet Tamaran, sent a henchman to capture Kory and bring her home; however, that proved unsuccessful. So Blackfire decided to get her hands dirty herself and landed on Earth intent on hunting Kory down in the final moments of the Season 2 finale.


Speaking to Showbiz Junkies, Diop gushed over her unique take on the role of Starfire, giving credit to her Senegalese heritage:

I just love the idea of being alien, and that means so many things to me personally. I was born in Senegal, West Africa, and I moved to the States when I was six years old. When I first came I had to assimilate. I learned the language in two months and I was in school two months later, assimilating into this culture. And sometimes I just feel like an outsider too, right? I think a lot of people can relate to that. I love being able to embody what being alien feels like, if that makes sense. I think that’s something I do understand.


She continued, “I think what people really love about Starfire is she has this really innocent, naïve, pure, fun, curious thing about her and I tried to bring as much of that into her as I could. I know the producers wanted a really badass, strong character, but I really, really did want to bring aspects of that bubbly [personality].”

Seasons 1 and 2 of Titans are available to stream now on HBO Max.