Sandi Jackson, the wife of former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., is reordering her books. The Chicago Sun-Times reports that the Chicago alderman has amended the financial records of her ward committee's accounts to include incoming transfers from her spouse's financial pots. These changes come amid the looming federal investigation into her husband, the announcement that Jackson Jr. is struggling with mental illness and discontent in her local ward.
That includes at least $13,000 in previously undisclosed transfers from her husband's congressional account into her ward organization account, a Sun-Times review of campaign records show.
Among the undisclosed transactions shown in the amended reports were monthly transfers of $1,250 to his wife's 7th Ward Independent Political Organization — or SWIPO. In a federal disclosure, Rep. Jackson's campaign fund indicates a $1,250 payment to SWIPO is for rent — he and his wife share campaign office space on Chicago's South Side. However, the 7th Ward disclosure did not list the purpose of the $1,250 transfers.
Read more at the Chicago Sun-Times.