Sammy Sosa Looks...Different

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Sammy Sosa is tired of the love Robert Pattison is getting and has apparently decided to give the 'Twilight' star a run for his money. At least in complexion.

Sosa arrived at the Latin Grammys on November 5th looking ghostly. Was it vitiligo? Was it a side effect of steroids? A friend of Sosa's, Rebecca Polihronis, said it's just a skin rejuvenation process. From Bleacher Report:

It was just bad timing to go out in public in the middle of a procedure that had him looking very white, she said. Other people say it was just the lighting around the cameras that produced an effect on the photo.

Polihronis said the former baseball player underwent several of these procedures after retiring because he was concerned that his skin was damaged after playing under the sun for many years.

And the green eyes, Sammy? Come on, buddy. COME ON.