Daily Caller reporter Neil Munro has said more than once that his interruption of President Barack Obama in the White House Rose Garden was journalistic and similar to how Sam Donaldson, a 1980s White House reporter, interacted with President Ronald Reagan. According to a statement Donaldson sent the Huffington Post, Munro's charges are far from the truth and "he knows better."
"Never once did I interrupt a president in any way while he was making a formal statement, a speech, honoring awardees or in any other way holding the floor. Yes, almost always when he was finished in the Rose Garden or in the Briefing Room or at a photo opportunity with other world leaders I tried to question him (only rarely was it a shout on the rope line, more often a more normal tone of voice) and other reporters of course did the same thing along with me.
What this man did yesterday is something new, to me wrong and unusual. I think it is probably the result of the growing incivility of the times, the competition among reporters and news organizations to be noticed not only for the work product but for the theatrics of the gathering … and there is one more factor, let's face it: Many on the political right believe this president ought not to be there – they oppose him not for his polices and political view but for who he is, an African American! These people and perhaps even certain news organizations (certainly the right wing talkers like Limbaugh) encourage disrespect for this president. That is both regrettable and adds, in this case, to the general dislike of the press on the part of the general public.
For Tucker Carlson to say that he would if he can give this man a raise for this rude attempt to interrupt the president is reflective of what I've said above and, to me, lowers my opinion of Tucker."
Read more at the Huffington Post.