White people appear to be really afraid Critical Race Theory is being taught in K-12 schools even though evidence that it’s actually happening is scarce. Meanwhile, Black people tend to be far more concerned with a Black-ademic study known as Critical Racist Might be Teaching My Child Reality, which is backed by an abundance of evidence showing Black students are vulnerable to ending up in classes taught by “educators” who use racial slurs casually and unapologetically.
For example, in Sacramento, Calif., students and parents are demanding a Sacramento City Unified School District teacher be fired after she was caught in a recording explaining to students that neither “nigger” nor “nigga” are terrible things to say anymore.
According to the Sacramento Bee, Kit Carson International Academy Spanish teacher Katherine Sanders is being called out not just for dropping the n-bomb multiple times during one class, but also for continuously using offensive language and believing herself to be justified because, well, she said so.
From the Bee:
On the audio recording, Sanders can be heard comparing the use of different words.
“I know the F-word is something we hear constantly,” said Sanders. “It used to be a nasty word and now it’s like the word n——-, which everybody says, or n—-a, which is still a horrible, ugly word as well and it’s not anymore somehow.”
One student on the audio expressed discomfort and not wanting to participate in the conversation.
However, Sanders continued, asking students to “think about words that make things cheap”.
“Oh, what a great conversation, I love it,” Sanders said. “I didn’t anticipate this conversation, I’d love to keep going because I want to hear what you have to say.”
Imagine being this dense.
First of all, it’s interesting that Sanders held back on “the F-word” but accepted no substitutes when it came to belting out both forms of the n-word like she had been holding the slurs in her chest for a week just waiting for an excuse to let them out of the cage.
Secondly, where the hell is this lady hanging out where “everybody” is saying “nigger” all willy-nilly? If she needs new friends who don’t frequent MAGA rallies and all-you-can-eat green bean casserole and spiceless chicken buffets, she should just say that. It’s also interesting how she appears to have far greater reservations over the word “nigga” than she has with the hard R. She seems really conflicted on whether the former is “horrible” and “ugly,” or *checks notes* “not anymore somehow.”
Some of Sanders’ students tried to explain to her that neither word needs to be anywhere near the vicinity of her lips in any context. One student reportedly asked her, “Who says the word isn’t still horrible?”
“I was shocked and I kind of looked around my classroom,” seventh-grader Jaslene Freeman told the Bee. “I looked at my classmates, too, and we didn’t know what to say.
“Whether a bunch of kids use it or not, or whatever neighborhood she lives in. (It) doesn’t matter if it’s an overly used word, it still gives her no right to use it at all, because it’s a derogatory term,” she added.
Unfortunately, entitlement is a hell of a drug and, according to students, Sanders has been suffering from her addiction for quite some time.
More from the Bee:
This wasn’t the first time Sanders has used a derogatory term, students said. Student Monica Sandoval said Sanders used offensive terms to describe Latino students and attempted to justify the language by saying everyone says it.
“We would try telling her and she would get mad and send us to detention,” said Sandoval. “I always got detention in her class whenever I would tell her something about it.”
Sandoval said that her classmates’ concerns were ignored by school administrators.
Now that parents and students have been protesting and calling for Sanders’ removal, the administration appears to be listening.
“The Sacramento City Unified School Board was horrified to learn that a teacher at a school in our district used racist language in the classroom,” the school board said in a statement. “Our Board condemns racism and the use of racist language in the strongest terms. Racism, racist behaviors, and racist language are unacceptable, and will not be tolerated in the Sacramento City Unified School District.”
Superintendent Jorge Aguilar sent out an email to parents saying, “Any comment by the teacher that a racial slur is now somehow ‘okay’ is not a position that is shared by or will be tolerated by this district. The language used in the recording is inexcusable and the District will be investigating this matter further and offering support to our students and families.”