All eyes are on Ryan Coogler as he prepares to embark on one of the most anticipated sequels in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal discussing upcoming Marvel projects during his final two years at Disney, CEO Bob Iger confirmed Coogler is “just beginning the process of outlining the story.”
On Tuesday, Screen Rant posted a Twitter caption highlighting the news and it didn’t exactly curl all the way over.
It was the all-CAPS “JUST” that made us pause, like…*record scratch* Now, hold up!
Yes, we’re all highly anticipating the sequel of the billion-dollar box office bastion of glory. But, we also want it to be good. And if taking his time is the way for it to be good, so be it. Furthermore, homeboy has an entire family of his own now?! Can he be human in peace, please?
Naturally, Black Twitter got into Black Auntie formation to come to the director’s defense.
The strength of the Black Panther will be all up and through this script, I’m sure. We have a release date—May 6, 2022—and we’ll have the film by then. That’s it. That’s all.
In addition to writing and directing, Coogler is racking up more producer credits as well. There’s Shaka King’s Jesus Was My Homeboy (starring Daniel Kaluuya and Lakeith Stanfield), which is set to start production in mid-to-late October. Plus, Deadline recently announced Coogler will be producing an adaptation of the comic series Bitter Root along with his wife Zinzi Evans and Sev Ohanian.
The man is booked. The man is busy. The man is blessed.