Has the world gone mad? Tyler Clementi, 18, a freshman at Rutgers University, posted a suicide note on Facebook last Wednesday, stating, "Jumping off the gw bridge sorry." His family's fears were confirmed when a body matching his description surfaced in the Hudson River. The body was later identified as Clementi's. Police have discovered that Clementi committed suicide because his roommate Dharun Ravi secretly taped Clementi having a sexual encounter with a man. The roommate then allegedly broadcast the clips to others. Middlesex County prosecutor Bruce Kaplan has charged the rooommate and his accomplice, Molly Wei, with two felony counts of invasion of privacy. Sounds like a hate crime to us. Kaplan needs to add depraved indifference and involuntary manslaughter to the charges, since the pair had to know that suicide could be a possible outcome. How could anyone think it is all right to secretly tape someone having sex, torment him with it and then show the tape to others? Where are Ravi's and Wei's moral boundaries? But then again, from where would they learn about moral boundaries? They aren't getting it from the church, and it seems that parents have stopped raising children to know any boundaries, moral or otherwise. Perhaps that's because many parents fail to model boundaries of any type. Read some of the comments on this Web site, or check out the signage at a Tea Party rally if you need examples. Secretly taping a young man involved in a sexual encounter with anyone is unacceptable. Tormenting Clementi with it is unconscionable. Truly sad and unnecessary.
Read more at The Daily Beast.