Rudy Giuliani—the man whose teeth and hair dye have made multiple attempts at running away from his face to no avail—appears to be finding out the hard way that words have consequences. He and fellow wackadoodle attorney Sidney Powell—the right-wing Robin to Giuliani’s white nationalist Batman—are now defendants in another lawsuit filed by another voting technology company that has accused the dumb-namic duo of spreading false claims about it helping to steal a non-stolen election from Tangerine Voldemort, the ex-president who shall not be named in this story.
The Associated Press reports that Smartmatic USA, a voting tech company based in Florida, filed a 285-page complaint in New York state Thursday seeking $2.7 billion in damages in what NBC called “one of the largest libel suits ever undertaken.”
The lawsuit comes on the heels of a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems against Giuliani last month. And in December, Eric Coomer, director of product strategy and security for Dominion, also filed a defamation suit against Giuliani, Powell and a certain discarded sentient Cheeto Puff’s presidential campaign. So basically, Giuliani’s and Powell’s rage against the voting machines has left them both drowning in litigation like Giuliani’s dentures have been drowned in coffee, white lies and orange-stained ballsack.
The Smartmatic lawsuit doesn’t only name Satan’s pair of old, moldy socks as defendants, it also accuses Republican Prime network Fox News of aiding the spread of propaganda that claimed voting machines just up and went full Skynet and started changing votes cast for Orange Jussolini to votes cast for President Joe Biden.
From NBC:
Unlike Dominion, whose technology was used in 24 states, Smartmatic’s participation in the 2020 election was restricted to Los Angeles County, which votes heavily Democratic.
Smartmatic’s limited role notwithstanding, Fox aired at least 13 reports falsely stating or implying the company had stolen the 2020 vote in cahoots with Venezuela’s socialist government, according to the complaint. This alleged “disinformation campaign” continued even after then-Attorney General William Barr said the Department of Justice could find no evidence of widespread voter fraud.
For instance, a Dec. 10 segment by Lou Dobbs accused Smartmatic and its CEO, Antonio Mugica, of working to flip votes through a non-existent backdoor in its voting software to carry out a “massive cyber Pearl Harbor,” the complaint alleged.
“Defendants’ story was a lie,” the complaint stated. “But, it was a story that sold.”
The complaint also alleges that Fox hosts Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro also directly benefitted from their involvement in the conspiracy. The lawsuit alleges that Fox went along with the “well-orchestrated dance” due to pressure from newcomer outlets such as Newsmax and One America News, which were stealing away conservative, pro-Trump viewers.
“We have no choice,” Smartmatic executive chief and founder Antonio Mugica told CNN. “The disinformation campaign that was launched against us is an obliterating one. For us, this is existential, and we have to take action.”
Mugica said his company is going through an “existential crisis” and estimates that as a result of the false claims involving rigged machines, “it will lose as much as $690 million in profits over the next five years,” NBC reports.
Before I end this writeup, I just need to point out that whoever wrote the language in Smartmatic’s lawsuit has found a new fan in me based solely on one excerpt reported by CNN:
“The Earth is round. Two plus two equals four. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 election for President and Vice President of the United States.”
That bit of shade in a legal document is just glorious in all of its irrefutable truth.