Rudy Giuliani Claimed Trump Tower Moscow Wasn't a Thing. Then CNN Showed Up With Receipts

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The president’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, is having a full-on showdown with the bizarro emperor of America to see who’s better at lying to the American public about everything. The funny thing is, both of them use the same deranged method of acting like everything is nothing.

At this point, if both Trump and Giuliani were caught giving the nuclear codes to Russian operatives and the whole thing was lived streamed on Facebook, both men would look directly into the camera and say, “These codes weren’t even real, this is a witch hunt and a great big mess about nothing.”

Recently the president’s personal lawyer and overall fuckboy Rudolph “Dragon Teeth” Giuliani claimed Sunday that the Trump Tower in Russia was never really a thing.


“It was a real estate project. There was a letter of intent to go forward, but no one signed it,” Giuliani told CNN’s Dana Bash, Sunday.


Well, that turned out to be total bullshit because CNN’s Chris Cuomo got his hands on the signed letter of intent and wouldn’t you know it, the signature was from the one and only Donald J. Trump.


According to CNN, the signed packet of documents set forth the negotiations to build Trump condominiums, a hotel and commercial property in the heart of Moscow. The letter which Giuliani claimed was never signed but was totally signed by the president of Russiamerica is dated Oct. 28, 2015, and has the signature of a man named Donald J. Trump, who is the president of Russiamerica (for those following in the back.)

CNN reports:

The non-binding document is also signed by Andrey Rozov, owner of I.C. Expert Investment Co., the Russian firm that would have been responsible for developing the property.

Trump did not tell the public during the 2016 presidential campaign that his company explored the business deal with Russia and instead repeatedly claimed he had “nothing to do with Russia.” But the project, which was ultimately scrapped, would’ve given Trump’s company a $4 million upfront fee, no upfront costs, a percentage of the sales and control over marketing and design. The deal also included an opportunity to name the hotel spa after Trump’s daughter Ivanka.


During Trump’s candidacy, the Trump Tower Moscow deal was still on the table. Trump not only failed to disclose the deal but was continuously speaking positively about his brother-in-arms, Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Bonus round time!

Bonus points for anyone who can guess what Giuliani’s response was when confronted about the signed letter of intent to move forward with building Trump Tower Moscow?


If you guessed, “The letter is bullshit” then you are right!

Giuliani told the New York Daily News that the president signed a “bullshit” letter of intent to build the Trump Tower in Moscow during the 2016 presidential election.


Keep in mind that this was just days after ole Dragon Teeth said that there was a letter but it was never signed.

Giuliani said that “of course” the president of Russiamerica signed it but that it was “bullshit” because it never went anywhere.


“That was the end of it,” Giuliani said. “It means nothing but an expression of interest that means very little unless it goes to a contract and it never did.”

No need to be alarmed, as all of this is totally normal. It’s just the president’s lawyer lying on national television about a proposed business deal with Russia while the special counsel is investigating Russia’s tampering in the 2016 election and then that same lawyer admitting that he lied about it.


Yep, just remain calm and the oxygen mask that you see dangling over your head is not a warning sign that the plane is going down.