Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore has been accused of a lot of things. He’s referred to Asian Americans and Native Americans as “yellows” and “reds” like they’re fucking M&M’s. Multiple allegations have come forth suggesting that he has a predilection for underage girls. The man is seriously problematic, and for some reason, many in Alabama still believe that he is the better candidate.
A September Los Angeles Times article that recently resurfaced quotes Moore as saying that he believes America was better during the time the institution of slavery was in place.
Moore was at a rally in Florence, Ala. One of the few blacks in attendance asked Moore when he thought America was last “great.” In response, Moore said, “I think it was great at the time when families were united—even though we had slavery—they cared for one another. ... Our families were strong, our country had a direction.”
Excuse me? What families were united? Slavery consistently divided black families, so what Moore is really saying is that it was good for white people. Their families are the ones that were allowed to stick together. Their families were allowed to grow and be strong.
Black families were property. They were seen as assets and a means to further white capitalist interests. Are these the days Moore is yearning for?
This is the problem with a candidate like Moore. He is not a man for the people. He is a man for white people. The continuing racially polarizing and divisive politics that are being enabled by the Donald Trump presidency have to be stopped.
If we continue along this path, perhaps Moore will get his wish.