It looks like Republican Governor Ron DeSantis’ anti-critical race theory crusade continues. Most recently, his Florida administration made the decision to veto a new Advanced Placement course for high school students on African American studies.
CNN reported that in a January 12 letter to the College Board (which oversees AP courses), the Florida Department of Education’s Office of Articulation stated that the course is “inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value.”
It also said: “In the future, should the College Board be willing to come back to the table with lawful, historically accurate content, FDOE will always be willing to reopen the discussion.” Though this decision doesn’t necessarily surprise anyone, it still remains infuriating.
In 2021, Florida passed a law that banned teaching critical race theory, which ultimately was done to placate racist white people from acknowledging the violent founding of this country built on the backs of Black people. In addition, last year DeSantis enacted a bill limiting how schools can talk about race with students.
Not surprisingly, several Michigan Republicans are throwing support behind DeSantis to run for president in 2024, which has a disturbing likelihood of happening. His only Republican opponent at the moment is disgraced former president Donald Trump.
DeSantis has also stood proudly against vaccinations and mask-wearing since the onset of Covid. He shared a press release earlier this week that confirmed he’s pushing for legislation that will prevent employment decisions based on COVID-19 vaccination status. The bill would also prevent schools and businesses from requiring face coverings.
During a speech in Panama City a few days ago, DeSantis stated that requiring people to wear masks impeded on personal freedom. “It required us over the past few years to stand against major institutions in our society: the bureaucracy, the medical establishment, legacy media and even the president of the United States who, together, were working to impose a bio-medical security state on society,” he remarked.
The fact that DeSantis could become the Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential race is horrifying. On top of being anti-vax and pushing racist narratives in Florida classrooms, he has also championed anti-LGBTQ legislation. Though there isn’t really any single Republican politician worth bolstering, DeSantis’ candidacy ultimately means bad news for this country.
His investment in Florida’s regressive and bigoted policies serves as a precursor to what he would do to the entire country, if given the opportunity. DeSantis’ behavior—and the seemingly endless amount of support he receives for it—will also inspire other politicians around the country to emulate it.
Although he’s had his slew of opponents, DeSantis remains determined to wield his power and influence to uphold white supremacist structures. This has always been the goal of the GOP, though: to disenfranchise people of color politically, socially and economically, no matter what the cost.