Romney Argues for Marriage Before Babies

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Mitt Romney continued to claim that he's the politician for the middle class during a speech in Pennsylvania on Saturday, during which he spoke of the value of marriage. If Americans marry before they have children, Romney told his crowd of political supporters, according to the Washington Post, the positive results will be immeasurable.

"If people want a president that will give the middle class of America a fair shot, they'll vote for me, and I hope you do," Romney, dressed in a suit and standing in front of his campaign bus in Pennsylvania, told the several hundred social conservatives gathered in Washington for the summit. In his prepared remarks, Romney spoke of "anchors," which he said include family and the Constitution.

The national health-care law, he argued "attacks freedoms. Raising taxes attacks freedoms." And the Obama administration's decision on contraceptive coverage "attacks our first freedom — religious freedom," he said.

"All these things impinge upon our freedoms … I think America is stronger when we're lashed firmly to the anchors that keep us steady," he said.

At times, he struck a note that bore similarities to the message former senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) delivered on the campaign trail. He told the crowd that his message to young people is to "get married before they have children, because the opportunity for a mom and a dad to help guide the life of a child gives them such an enormous advantage."

Read more at the Washington Post.
