In an entry at his Roland S. Martin blog, the political analyst writes about his meeting with GLAAD (the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) that took place in the aftermath of his Super Bowl Twitter debacle, during which he made tweets that many considered to be offensive to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.
… Now, do we agree on all issues? No. But, ironically, I have historically supported many of the issues important to the GLAAD agenda, such as ending the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy; gay adoption; and including gays in hate crimes laws. Those, folks, are facts. But it is only through dialogue do we get an opportunity to see each other’s perspective and learn what it is like to walk in that person’s shoes.
So what now? Well, first, it is important to understand that I operate in the role of a journalist — not an activist — one who is used to participating in and leading the difficult discussions, whether on TV, radio, in print, or online. As I said to Herndon, on this show, we speak to the African-American community. And as I’ve said on many occasions, the Black community should, and must, discuss the issues involving sexual orientation — whether it’s personal, with regards to the church, in our families, or our schools. And I’ve been a vocal opponent of bullying, whether that involves heterosexuals or gay youth.
Now, have we had these discussions? Yes. Will we continue to have these discussions? No doubt. My goal as host and managing editor of “Washington Watch” is to shine a light on the issues and then peel back the complex layers so we all have a much better understanding.
Now, if you’re gay or straight, your voice matters. If you are a pastor or activist, your voice matters. I have no plan to abandon my goal as a truth teller on a variety of issues; and, yes, that includes those that may be on the LGBT agenda. I am confident that this table can serve as an example of Dr. King’s “table of brotherhood,” and I and this excellent team will do all we can to advance the dialogue so we all can learn, grow and prosper together.
Read the entire entry at Roland S. Martin.