(The Root) — The n-word just can't stay out of the news lately.
Earlier last month, Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Riley Cooper was caught fighting outside a Kenny Chesney concert. On Wednesday, video surfaced of Cooper inside the same event, huffing and puffing inside, threatening to "fight every n—ger" there.
For many, this raised the obvious question: How many black people are really going to Kenny Chesney concerts?
Cooper apologized for using the slur in a series of three tweets.
But it was too late. Twitter had already gotten hold of the video and was on its way to ripping into the player with the hashtag #RileyCooperWillFight. It's easy to threaten to beat up a bunch of black people when none are around, Cooper. Why not threaten to fight every lion at the North Pole while you're at it?
Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.