Bad Gal RiRi knows the power of an image.
The perennial cover girl, beauty mogul and newly-minted head of her own fashion label chose to focus her Instagram followers’ sights on one particularly compelling image: the blindingly beige visage of all the white men responsible for passing America’s most restrictive abortion bill to date.
In a post that went up Thursday morning, Rihanna shared a collage of the Alabama’s mostly Republican Senate, which this week passed a bill effectively making abortion illegal in the state, even in cases of rape and incest.
The collage is a veritable E. coli buffet of dishwasher-cooked chicken, served alongside a smattering of expired bronzer and terrible haircuts:
“These are the idiots making decisions for WOMEN in America,” Rihanna wrote. And lest you think our righteous Rih-presentative had it out for male politicians alone, note Rihanna kept that same energy for one very special white woman, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey, who signed the bill into law.
“SHAME ON YOU!!!!” she added, with all-caps bass in her voice.
The new bill is designed to be so restrictive it would invite legal challenges, thus paving its way to land, eventually, at the Supreme Court, which currently has a conservative majority. The legislation classifies abortion as a felony offense, with doctors or medical providers convicted of performing these procedures eligible for prison sentences up to 99 years.
Joining Rihanna in condemning Alabama’s bill were singer John Legend, Kerry Washington, and director and producer Ava DuVernay, who tweeted yesterday that the abortion bill was “a warning” to everyone.
“It’s Alabama and abortion today. It’s you and your rights tomorrow,” she wrote. “Your silence will not save you. So speak up.”