(The Root) — In today's edition of Celebrity Lives Are More Fabulous Than Yours, Rihanna took a few moments to document her trip to Coco Chanel's apartment in Paris on Wednesday. Yes — the Coco Chanel.
"Got the keys to Coco Chanel's apartment!!!" she tweeted. "Yesterday=Most Legendary Day in Paris!!!!" The singer toured the grounds with Chanel designer Laetitia Crahay, Instagramming photos of herself on Chanel's iconic staircase and kicking back in a lounge that once held Chanel herself.
Check out some pics from RiRi's tour below, then spend a few moments wondering why cool thing like this don't happen to you (read: us).
Read more at the Huffington Post.
Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.