In today’s “Think I give a damn, boy, don’t you know who I am?” Rihanna news, the singer posted a viral Instagram message for those hating on her supposed weight gain.
Last week a blogger on Barstool posted an article about Rihanna’s weight and got eloquently dragged out of the paint on social media—and is now an unemployed dude bro.
Of course Rihanna has her ear to the internet when it comes to discussions about her life and body, so it made perfect sense that she’d hit the haters with a perfect meme:
The singer posted a pic of rapper Gucci Mane’s before and after body, with the caption, “If you can’t handle me at my 2007 Gucci Mane, you don’t deserve me at my 2017 Gucci Mane.”
And here’s Rihanna in Miami over the weekend:
If this is fat, someone please sign me up immediately.
My nightly prayer: