Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum officially announced his decision to run for president this morning during an appearance on ABC’s Good Morning America.
During his interview, Santorum called President Barack Obama weak on foreign policy and accused him of doing a poor job of standing up to Iran and not speaking out against Syrian President Bashir Assad. Although he's a favorite among his party’s social conservatives, polls show Santorum to be trailing behind well-known Republicans hoping to snag the party's nomination.
Findings from a Gallup poll suggest that Santorum lacks strong name recognition among Republican voters, nut his advisers are counting on social conservatives who have yet to choose a favorite candidate. The former U.S. senator has been out of elective office since 2007, which many believe could be a disadvantage for the Republican candidate. Santorum also lacks the strong fundraising and personal wealth of his rivals.
We think we speak for everyone when we say the Republicans have yet to find a real contender for Obama in the 2012 elections. If candidates like Palin, Gingrich and Santorum are as good as it gets, then the Democrats have nothing to worry about.
Read more at the Huffington Post.
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