It looks like actress Sanaa Lathan may have a stalker on her hands. On June 6 a man identified as Shawn Caples, 28, was caught sleeping in Lathan’s laundry room, according to TMZ. The site reports that contractors working in the star’s home caught Caples. Once questioned, Caples claimed to be Lathan’s husband and he was sent away.
But that apparently didn’t deter him.
Three days later, Caples returned but was caught by Lathan. The Best Man Holiday actress screamed, “Get the f—k out of here,” according to TMZ. When Caples refused to leave, Lathan contacted the police. Caples was then arrested and ordered to stay at least 100 yards from Lathan, TMZ reports.
Yesha Callahan is editor of The Grapevine and a staff writer at The Root. Follow her on Twitter.
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