In many parts of the South, you would never know that the landmark Supreme Court ruling Brown v. Board of Education declared separate schools for blacks and whites unconstitutional and inherently unequal. The resegregation of public schools is widespread and growing. The investigative news website ProPublica, in partnership with The Atlantic, presents a stunning and comprehensive interactive look at the resegregation of U.S. schools, 60 years after the Supreme Court case.
"Nikole Hannah-Jones of ProPublica has spent the last year investigating the resegregation of the country’s schools, and her collaboration with The Atlantic, 'Segregation Now,' represents one of ProPublica’s most ambitious reporting efforts," say ProPublica's editors, who continue:
Almost everywhere in the country, Hannah-Jones found, the gains of integration have been eroded. And nowhere has that been more powerfully and disturbingly true than in the South—once home to both the worst of segregation and the greatest triumphs of integration. Freed from the federal oversight that produced integration, schools districts across the 11 former states of the Confederacy have effectively re-instituted segregation for large numbers of black students, in practical terms if not in law.
Read the entire report here.