In a piece at ColorLines, Jorge Rivas delves into a newly released report that shows a stunning lack of diversity on evening cable news shows. He quotes a Latino leader who says this phenomenon gives the impression that minorities are not making positive contributions to the country.
A new analysis released yesterday by the media monitoring group Media Matters found that evening cable news guests are overwhelmingly white and male. According to the report, titled "Diversity on Evening Cable News in 13 Charts," women and other people of color are underrepresented as guests on evening cable news programs at MSNBC, CNN and Fox News.
Media Matters examined the guests of thirteen evening cable news shows on CNN, MSNBC and Fox News during the month of April 2013. During that time period, only 33% of MSNBC guests, 29% Fox News guests and 24% CNN guests were female. Latinos fared much worse. Only 3% of Fox News guests and 2% of CNN and MSNBC guests were Latino.
An excerpt of some of the findings are below:
White Guests Were Hosted Most Often On Cable News. Fox News had the largest proportion of white guests — 83 percent. African-Americans were the largest non-white group on all networks, representing 19 percent, 10 percent, and 5 percent of guests on MSNBC, Fox, and CNN, respectively.
Read Jorge Rivas' entire blog entry at ColorLines.
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