The New York Daily News is reporting that Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) is considering pursuing civil and criminal charges against Dan Wolfe, who describes himself as a "conservative Reagan Republican," for allegedly hacking his Twitter account. Weiner's account was hacked and a lewd photo of the congressman was sent to a young college student, Genette Nicole Cordova, who says she has never met Weiner. The photo was visible to all 40,000 of Weiner's followers
How did folks learn of the photo? The infamous Andrew Breitbart was the first to report it.
Weiner's Twitter followers tracked the photo back to patriotusa76, whose name is listed as Dan Wolfe. Wolfe, meanwhile, insists that he's not the prankster — and maintained that it was Weiner who blasted the photo. Wolfe offered to cooperate with any investigation.
"I don't care. Either arrest me, press charges, etc. or shut up," he tweeted.
"I voluntarily offer my computer for analysis. No warrants necessary. I voluntarily offer everything. I did not hack anything," Wolfe tweeted to his 1,300 followers. Wolfe has a photo of Ronald Reagan as his Twitter icon.
Cordova is siding with Weiner, telling the Daily News Sunday that she and the congressman were victims of online pranksters.
You think? What's the likelihood of Breitbart "discovering" a lewd photo of Weiner in the middle of Weiner's public fight with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas over his stake in voting against universal health care? What is the likelihood of Breitbart allegedly "reporting" a story that isn't really a story, but the result of hacking someone's computer? Worse off, how do you sully the name of an innocent college student to get back at Weiner and think it's justified? Will the smart and decent Republicans please stand up?
Read more at the Daily News.