Rep. Virginia Foxx Leads GOP Attack on Higher Education

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Fresh from the "Now that I have mine, let me keep you from getting yours" file, ColorLines is reporting that North Carolina Republican Rep. Virginia Foxx, who was appointed chair of the House Higher Education Subcommittee, doesn't think that higher education should be publicly funded. Interesting perspective, coming from someone who is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she received her A.B. in English and MACT in sociology; and UNC-Greensboro, where she received her Ed.D. in curriculum teaching/higher education — both public institutions.

ColorLines reports that Foxx, the former head of a community college, stated, "I don't think the measure of success of a community college is always graduation. Many times, all people need to learn is a skill and perhaps get certification in an area." That sounds very much like the Wake County school board that abolished its integration policy because having poor kids in poorly funded schools is not such a bad thing.

How scary is it when an educator says that education isn't that important? We suspect that education helped Foxx to get where she is today: chair of the House Higher Education Subcommittee. We wonder if she would have been able to get all of those degrees from public universities without funding from taxpayers. Not bloody likely


Read more at ColorLines.

In other news: North Carolina School Board Abolishes Integration Policy.