Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) is an asshole.
He’s a blindly loyal Trumpist who continues to claim that the election is rigged. He was not only a part of the fluffing crew that helped lead to the insurrection on Jan. 6, he even claimed on that day that bloodshed would follow if the election was “stolen.”
Well now Madison Cawthorn (his name literally means “Son of Jim Crow” in Swahili. Fine, this probably isn’t true. Whatever.) has compared vaccine mandates to “modern-day segregation” during a television appearance on Tuesday on Fox News Jr aka Newsmax.
According to Mediaite, “Newsmax host Chris Salcedo asked Cawthorn about an incident at a New York City restaurant last week in which a hostess was assaulted by three women who were denied entry due to not having proof of vaccination.”
All of the women, who are Black, actually did have proof of vaccination and claim that the altercation wasn’t over COVID-19 protocols but rather a racist remark the hostess made. But why would the Son of Jim Crow allow this to stop him from making his dumbass point.
From the Hill:
When Salcedo noted the high rate of vaccine hesitancy in the Black community, Cawthorn responded with his comments about segregation.
“I can’t believe I’m actually agreeing with them, but this is weaponized mandates, when no American, regardless of skin color, should be giving up their personal liberty so easily. ... Right now, what you’re seeing is, you’re seeing this medical apartheid, which is causing modern-day segregation,” Cawthorn said.
“Every single minority activist should be up in arms right now, saying, ‘You are hurting the people who need help the very most with this actual mandate.’ It should be rescinded, and we should never be a country that forces mandates down the throats of Americans,” he added.
Yes, Cawthorn. Tell me more about segregation from the oppressor’s side. This isn’t the first time that Cawthorn has made dumbass comments about mask mandates as he’s also called them psychological child abuse.
Meanwhile, America is facing another wave of new infections and the delta variant is in the on-deck circle practicing its homerun swing.
But I would love to hear the Son of Jim Crow tell me more about weaponized mandates and personal liberty when he’s clearly a racist. I didn’t say it; New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker did after Cawthorn (who was running for the seat he now hold) and his campaign created a website to “target Moe Davis, his Democratic opponent, and claimed that watchdog reporter Tom Fiedler was working with Davis’ allies and left a job in academia to ‘work for non-white males, like Cory Booker, who aims to ruin white males running for office,’” according to the Washington Post.
“It just really personally saddens me that somebody who is so clearly racist is a nominee of a major party, and I think it’s a disrespect of the entire community,” Booker said in a 2020 interview with HuffPost. “It’s really unfortunate.”
What a fucking asshole.