(The Root) — In time for Father's Day, StoryCorps, a nonprofit dedicated to documenting and preserving the life stories of Americans through an extensive oral-history project, recently released its latest animated short, A Family Man, which uses Samuel Black's uplifting tale of his hardworking father, John Black, who died in 2004.
Black, with his wife, Edda Fields-Black, recollects about his father's 16-hour workdays in the boiler rooms of various Cincinnati schools, as well as his father's stern, disciplinarian ways.
Black's story is a part of StoryCorps' Griot initiative, which works to preserve the experiences and histories of African Americans. Each story collected by StoryCorps Griot will be archived at the Smithsonian Institution's future National Museum of African American History and Culture and the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
Watch A Family Man below. And visit StoryCorps' website for more original animated shorts.