Whether you like Omarosa Manigault Newman or not, she seems to be the only one who has successfully ruffled the White House’s dirty feathers. And in a recent New York Times report, the news outlet alleges that Omarosa could have as many as 200 tapes in her possession and it has the White House administration shook.
Here’s what we know so far about Omarosa and her bag of tapes:
Here’s what we know about Omarosa and her book:
She wants you to buy it.
Is Omarosa holding the tapes hostage to be used at a more convenient time? Will she release an audiobook of the tapes that the public will have to buy? Well, she does have to recoup the $15,000 a month she passed on when Lara Trump offered a job after being fired from the White House.
So what exactly could be in these tapes? Is Trump saying the n-word? Is he bashing Barack Obama even more? Personally, even if Omarosa has incriminating tapes on anyone presently working in the White House, I doubt their legion of fans and racists would be upset. It’ll just be another “water is wet” news day.
Deep down inside, I’d like to think Omarosa was trolling Trump and not really on his side and played him to get intel. But then again, there’s the saying “all your skinfolk, ain’t your kinfolk,” so I’m pretty reluctant about giving her the benefit of the doubt.
Needless to say, I can’t tell if she titled Unhinged after Trump, or herself. There’s that other saying, “birds of a feather, flock together.”