Refinery29 Short Cuts Gets Dragged for Its 4C Hair Tutorial Video

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If you were ever to ask black women with natural hair what’s the most underrepresented texture when it comes to hair tutorials and available styling products, many would probably say 4c hair. For those unfamiliar with the 4c category of hair, it’s typically described as tightly coiled hair.

If you happen to wander down the rabbit hole of YouTube tutorial videos, you’ll be able to come across YouTubers who have their 4c hair regimen down to a science, but that’s definitely not the type of hair tutorial Refinery29 just attempted to pull off.

On Facebook, the Refinery29 Short Cut page posed the question: “Do you have kinky 4C hair and are looking to define and preserve your curls during the hot summer months?”


And the following tutorial was posted:


Now, you’ll notice, in the woman’s before video, there was some definition, but what we are shown after is what got people riled up in the comment section:

“This is a disgrace to black women everywhere. I’m insulted,” said a white cosmetologist.


“Was this a fucking joke?!?!? This what defined curls look like on 4c kinky hair. This video was fucking insulting and sad. First off 4c hair can most definitely have defined kinky curls if you detangle and twist it properly. This video was half assed. And you outta be ashamed for posting it,” said another woman after posting her own 4c hair photo.

“Acccctuaaaaallyyyy, this is what dried 4c hair looks like. Sis didn’t even part her hair, & for real definition you’re supposed to actually keep your hair wet as 4c hair is more manageable wet. The one time 4c hair gets a little attention & they get the dumbest person to insult us cause wtf was thattttt????,” said another woman with 4c hair.


I’d be here all day if I were to post the reactions people had to the video. Short Cuts made sure to post the products that were used in the model’s hair, which were Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk Refresher Spray; Carol’s Daughter Pracaxi Nectar Style Control Gel; Shea Moisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie for Thick, Curly Hair; and Carol’s Daughter Pracaxi Nectar Curl Twisting Custard. A list to which many commenters replied, “Shea Moisture been canceled.”

After feeling the backlash of its failed tut, Short Cuts issued a “We’ll do better”:

We’re seeing your comments— and in hindsight, this was not the best representation of a twist out (as Mominatu noted, this probably is better labeled as a moisturizing technique). With that being said, we want to make it clear that this was never our intention, but we are dedicated to using your reader feedback to do better next time.


I’m sure they’d never treat 3c hair like this.