Below is a comment Ta-Nehisi Coates of The Atlantic received the other day from Tim Sumner, who runs 9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America. Sumner did not care for one of TNC's most recent blog posts.
The race card. Who'd of thunk this leftist author would ever play one?
Did the thousand-plus 12/5 crowd chant "Lynch Holder" in unison? Where's the video?
Did Ta-Nehisis "Tee-hee-hee" Coates ever object when it was suggested President GW Bush be strung up or as his likenesses were hung in effigy hundreds of times during his Presidency? Is it always okay to suggest hanging a white Republican? Wasn't that what they were suggesting, Tee-hee-hee? Or was it is effigy? You being a person of color, obviously makes you the world's foremost expert on peering into a person's heart and mind-reading so you know. Discern for us their intent, please, Tee-hee-hee.
I am currently hanging in effigy a printed off picture of you, Tee-hee-hee, over my computer with the words 'Lynch Coates' written on the photo. Discern that.