Warning: Spoilers ahead for “The Masked Singer” Season 11 premiere!
If you haven’t watched it yet, stop reading now!
OK, you’ve been warned.
Amid all the craziness that came out of Katt Williams’ scorched Earth “Club Shay Shay” appearance, megastar Kevin Hart became the comedian’s main target. Williams alleged that the “Lift” star frequently landed leading roles that had originally been offered to him.
“For a five year period, every single movie that Kevin Hart did was a movie that had been on my desk that all I had said was ‘Just can we take some of this Stepin Fetchit shit out and then I can do it?’” Williams said. “And me saying that and them going ‘oh yeah, no problem’ and then going to give it to this other guy and having him do it just like it was and acting like I’m a bad person because I keep standing on my standards,” he continued. “It’s interesting, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’m on the winning side of these decisions.”
As previously reported by The Root, Hart told The Independent that Williams’ comments “comes with the territory” now that he’s so successful.
“It’s not worth my time for a response or an engagement,” Hart said. “It’s extremely beneath me in the position that I’m currently in … I think those that can’t talk about those that can.”
The “Central Intelligence” actor is taking a more positive approach to the controversy in his new cover story with WSJ. Magazine. He wishes Williams well because Kevin is “happy and secure” with his choices.
“It’s just that. It’s entertainment. If that’s what he fuels himself off, God bless him. Good for him. I hope he gets all that he needs and he wants, and I’m here cheering for him from afar,” Hart said. “That’s my real energy. I really mean it! That’s how happy and secure I am with my career and my life.”
It’s clear none of this is bothering Hart as he could be seen on Wednesday’s Season 11 premiere of “The Masked Singer” having fun at the expense of his good friend Nick Cannon.
The singing competition delivered its usual format until the Book popped up to perform Ne-Yo’s “So Sick.” Based on the actor’s familiar voice and how truly terrible his singing was, it was immediately obvious who was hiding behind the costume.
In fact, as the judges began to make their guesses, Hart didn’t want to wait, so he just revealed himself, exclaiming, “I got you Nick!”
“This is a prank!” Hart continued. “You had no idea. You had no idea that I’m coming here, Nick. And guess what, Nick? Guess what? It’s nothing you can do about it!”
Cannon responded by telling the Philadelphia native that he “ruined the freakin’ show” and that he was “stupid.”
“I don’t look stupid. I look put together, Nick,” Hart said. “There’s nothing stupid about me. You know who looks stupid? You, in that stupid jacket.”
This is the latest entry in the friends’ long-standing prank war. They even built the E! reality show “Celebrity Prank War” around it.