Ray Lewis is hating on Colin Kaepernick again. First he noted that the San Francisco 49ers quarterback needed to take the flag out of his protest. Now the former NFL linebacker is saying that Kaepernick shouldn't be on the cover of Time magazine as the "face of police brutality."
Appearing on Fox Sports on Thursday, Lewis told Jason Whitlock that he doesn't believe Kaepernick should be the poster boy for the stand against the killing of unarmed black men, women and children by police. The accused killer-turned-self-righteous faux pastor had this to say about Kaepernick's protest:
Colin Kaepernick was a baby when Rodney King got beat by police. There are people that have been on the streets ever since that moment trying to talk and stop police brutality. Colin got up one day and said, “I'm tired of it.” That's his stand. People been tired of this way before when you was a baby, boy.
If he's the face of it, it sure ain't slowed it down. They still killing us.
Watch Lewis' hateration in this dancery below: